It is Cinco De Mayo and there is reason to celebrate!! Fishing is open again in Washington so I decided to celebrate by going smallmouth fishing in the Columbia River Gorge. It was a beautiful day, the new Hobie 360 worked great and I caught enough nice smallmouth to put me in a celebration mood!
Spinner baits and Rattle Traps worked great in the morning!
The bite was not epic, but they were chasing rattle traps and spinner baits. When that slowed down I was able to mop some bigger fish with a split shot rig using a worm from Dry Creek Outfitters in the "Bill's Money" color and a size 1 Trokar Drop Shot Hook. All the fish were in the 2 - 3 pound range so I was very happy with the results!! I was also able to try out the new Eagle Claw EC2.5 rods and reels and I was very impressed! The actions and performance were fantastic, I highly recommend for smallmouth fishing!
The bigger fish came on the Trokar/Dry Creek Outfitters Drop shot rig
When I got home, it was time for a Cinco De Mayo celebration witch called for homemade Tacos, and some ice cold Corona beer with limes!
Cheers to Cinco De Mayo and to better days ahead!
#Billmatthewsoutdoors #Trokar #Cincodemayo #Smallmouthbass #drycreekoutfitters #prespawnbassfishng #coronabeer #dropshothooks #rattletrap #spinnerbait #fishmoreworkless